Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief Accelerated By Chiropractic In Tallahassee

By Clayton Maske

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects the hand, thumb and possible first three fingers. It is related to a pinch of the median nerve as it travels from the spine to one's hand. Often the impingement is due to a narrowing of the carpal tunnel or swelling of tissues in the wrist. However, similar symptoms are caused if the median nerve is pinched where it exits the spine, in the shoulder or elbow. Tallahassee Upper Cervical Chiropractors help patients find relief of the problem.

Nerves send communication between the brain and the body part they serve. When pinched, these communications are hindered. The pinch slows or stops blood flow to essential outer tissues of one's nerve resulting in pain signals to one's brain.

With the traditional medical field, normal therapy includes rest and surgery. The surgeon clips the transverse carpal ligament to reduce the pressure on the affected nerve so it heals. However, even though newer laparoscopic procedures are available, the surgery is invasive. Chiropractic allows the pressure to be relieved without resorting to surgery.

A chiropractor makes adjustments to the wrist that are effective at relieving the pressure. This non-invasive approach does not require surgery. Once the nerve is free of the pressure, the blood flow is restored and healing occurs. As it heals, the function of the hand, thumb and fingers are restored and pain stops.

When nerves are impinged, early intervention is important. The lack of blood flow to the nerve signals cells to begin to form scar tissue. This thickening of a nerve can make resolving the issues caused by the pinched nerve more difficult. When such problems are addressed quickly, the tissues heal without scar tissue having a chance to form.

A chiropractor brings relief of one's pain without surgery or medication. He works to restore the body's natural balance so it heals on its own. As the nerves heal, pain is resolved and the limbs function properly again.

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