Some Facts Relating To Gastric Sleeve Surgery Houston Residents Need To Know Of

By Jessica Wood

There are several options of weight loss that one can consider if they wish to shed off extra pounds. Lifestyle changes are the most commonly used approach but surgical options appear to be gaining preference as well. The methods that are most commonly used include gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. There are some important things on gastric sleeve surgery Houston residents need to know if they plan on having this procedure.

Sleeve gastrectomy may be used on its own or as part of the bypass procedure. The procedure itself involves the removal of a significant part of the stomach. The organ is first split along its length, the unwanted part removed and the remainder repaired using stitches or staples. Generally, the part that is removed is between 75% and 80% leaving behind a small tubular structure that can hold a limited amount of food.

The idea of the operation just as is the case with most weight loss operations is to limit the amount of food that the individual undergoing it can eat. The small stomach volume results in faster filling and stimulation of early satiety. Additionally, the removal of a significant stomach portion influences the production of digestive enzymes. The resultant changes suppress the appetite and maintain a high blood glucose levels.

The outcomes of this operations are quite impressive for most people. For instance, it has been shown that up to 50% of body weight can be shed off in a matter of months. This is comparable to the results of gastric bypass but without the unwanted side effects. This operation is also advantageous in that the nerves that supply the stomach are preserved and the function of stomach valve mechanisms remain intact.

There are two main techniques that are employed: the open technique and the laparoscopic surgical option. The use of laparoscopy is by far, the more preferred options due to its many advantages over the open technique. One of these advantages is the fact that smaller incisions are used hence the resultant pain is a lot less. There is a lower risk for infection and patients generally have a quicker recovery.

A typical candidate is an individual who has excess weight and has been unable to manage it using lifestyle options. They should have a body mass index of not less than 40 but lower values are acceptable if the person already suffers from obesity related complications such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure and diabetes. Another important consideration is that major risks to the operation should not exist.

As is the case with many other surgeries, there are several risks associated with this operation. General complications may include bleeding, injury to vital structures and infections. More specific complications may include esophageal spasms, leakage of gastric contents and long term dilatation of the stomach. Fortunately, the dilation occurs very slowly and is rarely a cause for concern. It is important to mention that the sleeve procedure cannot be reversed even in the presence of severe complications.

If you are considering bariatric surgery as a weight loss option, there several options that you can choose from. These include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and banding. Surgeon preference and the magnitude of your problem are some of the factors likely to influence your decision. The gastrectomy procedure is quite effective but has huge disadvantage in that it cannot be reversed.

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