Why More And More People Opt For Natural Mood Boosting Supplements

By Joshua Powell

The fast pace of modern life, ongoing pressure to perform well and the need to juggle many responsibilities are just some of the reasons why so many people suffer from depression, anxiety and very high stress levels. In most cases medication will help relieve the symptoms but it may also cause harmful side effects and other health problems. It is no wonder that so many people are moving to natural mood boosting supplements that do not cause harmful side effects.

There is a vast array of pills, extracts, capsules, teas and concentrates that all promise to help people feel less anxious, to overcome depression and to live life without stress. Unfortunately, many of these solutions will not work, has not been studied properly or may even produce nasty side effects. Before choosing any natural remedy, it is best to ask advice from a professional.

St Johns Wort is probably the best know natural remedy for sleeping disorders, anxiety and mild depression. It is even known to lessen the symptoms of severe PMS. It is available as tablets, teas, and liquid extracts. Experts warn, however, that St Johns Wort should never be taken whilst using anti depressants, blood thinners, oral contraceptives, and medication for HIV. Side effects are rare, but users may experience fatigue and a dry mouth.

Sceletium Toruosam, with Zambrin as its active ingredient has been used for centuries by the Bushmen in South Africa. This natural anti depressant has been the focus of exhaustive research, making it one of the most thoroughly studied natural remedy in the world. Within thirty minutes, it produces a feeling of calmness. Anxiety and irritability disappears almost magically and it has no know side effects.

Rhodiola Rosea, commonly known as roseroot is another well researched natural product that has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. It is well know for its capability to provide energy, to overcome anxiety and to increase stamina. It acts upon the central nervous system, helping the body to overcome both physical and mental stress. This product has also become rather popular with those wishing to enhance their sexual performance.

Surprisingly, fish oil makes it to almost every list of natural remedies that is effective in enhancing the mood. This is a long term solution, however. It only becomes truly effective after using it for six months or more, but once it starts working it is highly effective in reducing anxiety and in helping patients control their emotions. Fish oil should be part of the diet and should be taken every day in doses of approximately three grams.

Wellness experts say that even though natural remedies seem to help those suffering from psychological disorders, a change in lifestyle is also necessary. It is important to exercise daily, focusing on low impact exercises such as cycling, walking and swimming. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided where possible and the value of quality sleep can never be overestimated. Even spending time with family and friends can help reduce negative emotions and stress.

Nobody likes feeling down, fearful, depressed and pressurised all the time. Such feelings and emotions reduce the quality of life. Natural remedies can work wonders, however, but it is still a good idea to get professional advice first.

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