Find Womens Nutrition Carlsbad CA

By Joshua Robinson

Staying healthy does not have to mean living under a doctor's care. In fact, if a woman's diet is bad and her lifestyle unhealthy, there's not much a doctor can do. For that reason, finding out how to achieve really good womens nutrition Carlsbad CA (and elsewhere) can mean a better quality of life and a longer one, too.

A woman's health depends to a great extent on her hormonal balance. Once a girl reaches puberty, her hormones dictate emotional stability, physical energy, and sexual health. The role of hormones is important for all human beings, of course, but having the right amount of each hormone is critical for women.

Estrogen is known to be the dominant hormone for women. Actually this is a class of hormones, which differ according to age and stage of reproductive development, maturity, and decline. Estrogen causes a girl to develop a womanly figure, to have a regular cycle of fertility, and to conceive a child. Other hormones work with estrogen to perform all the bodily functions required. Imbalances result in PMS, unpleasant menopausal symptoms, and the fatigue that plagues many modern women.

Unfortunately, painful periods and mood swings are common for women of child-bearing age and menopausal disorders affect millions of older women. Fatigue is one of the most common complaints doctors hear from women over forty. Night sweats, hot flashes, dry and thinning skin and hair, dry eyes and mouth, and heavy bleeding can make the 'change of life' long and unpleasant.

The right nutritionist or naturopath can help a woman find supplements and foods that help keep her whole system in balance. It's very possible to do this with personal research and choices, but a doctor can do blood analyses and other tests to get an accurate picture of what is going on. If you express a desire to try natural means before any pharmaceutical drugs, many physicians will work with you.

You can also find holistic clinics in the Carlsbad area directed by medical doctors which have nutritional experts, herbalists, and perhaps a homeopath on staff. A clinic may also offer massage therapy, acupuncture, and other non-invasive methods of relieving pain and stress.

Nutrition involves more than food. It is important to know what to eat but also what to avoid and why. A sedentary lifestyle can keep your body from functioning well. In fact, health professionals now cite sitting too much as 'as bad as smoking'. Reducing stress and coping with its effects is critical.

Many people have habits that disrupt the hormonal balance of their bodies. It may be as simple as sitting in front of a computer or a television screen too late at night; the 'blue light' disrupts melatonin production. Other women may have more serious problems, like endrometriosis. Later in life, a woman may lack both estrogen and testosterone, which can cause such things as dry skin and eyes, thinning hair, and fatigue. Go online to find out more information on your age group and to see what professional help exists near-by.

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