Facts On Self Defense Sandy UT Residents Need To Know

By Christopher Collins

Violence is something that many people have had to deal with at one time or the other. For some, it is a regular occurrence. Perpetrators of violence may bee unknown people out to rob you of your belongings or they may be people that you are in a relationship with like a spouse, a sibling or even a colleague at school or the work place. There are several things on self defense Sandy UT residents need to know.

The best form of self defence is avoiding the confrontational situation if possible. If you are living with an abusive spouse, for instance, walking away would probably be the best way you can protect yourself from bodily or emotional harm. Walking alone in secluded places especially at odd hours can also be avoided.

For some people, however, it may not be easy to run away from trouble and one needs to stay and fight. Such people are often in situations in which running away means losing a lot more. It is this group that needs the self defence skills the most. We will briefly look at a few of these skills.

One of the simplest things that you can do before throwing any punch is to mount a verbal resistance. Ask the attacker to back off from you in an assertive manner. Push them back if you have to. This will show than that you are not afraid and not an way target. This also acts as away of asking for help from bystanders or passers by and will, in some cases, dissuade the attacker.

If you have to get physical, then you will have to be very efficient. Attack the most vulnerable body parts in the shortest time possible so that they do not have a chance to gain full control of you. The eyes are perhaps the easiest target and will achieve the most. Always make sure you have a pepper spray with you as it may come in handy. Poking or scratching will also work if you have no spray.

The groin, knees and the nose are other weakness areas of the attacker and can be targeted whenever possible. The area to be targeted will, of course, depend on the positioning of the attacker. Do not make yourself more vulnerable by going for a region that will deliver you right into their grasp. For example, there is no need in stretching to punch the nose when the knees or groin can be kicked easily.

In the event that your attacker overpowers you, hold back a little and pretend to have given up fighting. This is especially effective in cases of sexual assault. It only when the attacker thinks that they are in full control that they are most vulnerable; they tend to lose their grip a this point. Strike just before they execute the sexual attack. The eyes and the groin are the most exposed areas and quite an easy target.

The world we live in today is filled with acts of violence. One can never know if they are the next victim of sexual assault or bodily harm. While it may not be possible in most cases to match the attacker blow for blow, there are skills that one can use to give them a chance of escaping and saving their life.

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