Regularly Undergoing Weight Loss Massage Calgary Therapists Offer

By Gregory Wright

Not a lot of people are aware of the fact that stress is regarded by health authorities as a risk factor for obesity. It's for this reason exactly why stressed individuals who like to slim down should engage in activities that help relax not only their bodies but also minds. Regularly undergoing massage Calgary therapists offer can provide results especially if it's coupled with regular exercise and healthy eating, too.

Naturally, your levels of stress hormones within dramatically increase if you're stressed a lot. Believing that your life is on the line, your body will create excessive amounts of fat cells. This happens to make sure that your vital organs are not going to run out of fuel to utilize.

Fat cells generated as a result of leading a stressful life tends to accumulate in your belly region where many of your vital organs can be found. It's exactly the reason why most of your friends who are stressed all the time tend to have gigantic waistlines. The problem with those fat cells found abundantly in the midsection is that they are very difficult to get rid of.

Experiencing lots of stress can also cause an elevation in the levels of sugar in one's bloodstream. Everyone knows that high blood sugar is a risk factor for diabetes. Experts say that it's also something that can put a person at risk of battling obesity sooner or later.

Having lots of sugar present in the blood can leave you craving lots of foods, most especially those that are sugary and fatty. It's due to the fact that your body senses that your cells are not getting enough fuel, and thus it activates those hunger signals. Despite of having increased blood sugar levels, the cells remain deprived of energy as a result of the so-called insulin resistance.

Basically, this is the principle behind what everyone calls stress eating. This is characterized by intense craving for foods during very stressful situations. Sometimes it's called emotional eating due to the fact that it can also come into being each time the person is experiencing intense feelings of excitement, happiness, depression, frustration or anger. Regardless of what it's called, this matter is undeniably something that can easily cause unnecessary gaining of weight.

Being constantly stressed can also leave a person feeling exhausted all the time. This can keep him or her from having the desire to exercise, which is important for burning excess calories. Needless to say, unnecessary weight gain may be encountered by the individual.

Definitely, you should keep your stress levels to a minimum most especially if you want to slim down. Doing this helps fend off fat cell accumulation in the midsection and also excessive food cravings. It's a good thing that you can choose from so many stress-busting activities.

Getting massaged by a therapist is one of your best options. It works really well as it can promote mental and physical relaxation. Regular massages can help effectively fend off too much stress and unwanted weight gain linked to it.

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