Brain Authority Hinsdale Helps Depression Sufferers

By Kenya Saab

Pharmaceutical therapies for mood disorders are often ineffective and can cause other problems. Depression is experienced by all kinds of people both male and female, young and old and they are all given the same drugs. These days there are medical professionals looking at depression in a different way and providing tailored therapies to patients. There is a brain consultant Hinsdale area residents can call for a quick, free consultation to see if they can help.

The root of the program offered is an understanding of the body as a biochemical factory. It takes in food and uses the nutrients to make the chemicals which influence feelings. If these chemicals are out of balance then many problems can occur.

The fact is that bodies are intricate systems. Understanding biochemistry is helping doctors realize that many illnesses are the result of an imbalance of chemicals. This can result from genetic factors but it does not mean that recovery is impossible.

Targeted body nutrient therapy starts with a comprehensive medical history and a discussion of the patients moods and behavior. Based on this tests will be carried out to identify deficiencies. These include blood histamine and copper blood serum among others.

Testing each person and discovering their personal nutrient profile is the first step in the therapy. From this information a program can be designed using natural amino acid, mineral and vitamin supplements. These supplements help the brain to produce the correct levels of neurotransmitters, the chemicals responsible for moods.

Those suffering from depression are not usually offered many options by their doctors. It is antidepressants or nothing. This is a shame because they often lead to unacceptable side effects and yet there are other ways of understanding mood disorders. In Hinsdale there is a brain therapy which is an individual, natural program to help sufferers find relief.

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