Defy The Demands Of A Fast Paced Lifestyle With Spiritual Energy Healing

By Elaine Guthrie

The modern world forces many individuals to wake up running, often leaving them feeling stressed, anxious, and unhappy by the end of the day. This hectic grind encourages people to adopt unhealthy habits such as over eating, smoking, and ingesting energy drinks. While these products help increase energy levels in the short term, they often leave people feeling drained and run down in the long run. This makes one search for alternative ways of eliminating this destructive cycle. One method many are turning to is spiritual energy healing.

This method allows the body to heal and re-balance itself using very gentle, non-invasive techniques. It allows people to reach that elusive state of calm that is vital for us to fully thrive. This healing practice addresses the spiritual aspect of our personality which usually ends up neglected. By ignoring this part of ourselves, both our mental and physical health can be negatively affected.

This method does not treat the symptoms; instead it digs down to the root of the cause. Spiritual healing focuses on discovering the underlying issues that leads to the toxic state which often leaves individuals exhausted. People who choose to participate in this gentle practice often benefit physically, mentally, and spiritually from it.

Everyone has energy pathways that have multiple vitality points called Chakras. The Chakras create a life energy that surrounds every individual called an aura. When the aura is out of line, it can lead to a lack of vigor, lethargy, and poor health. The focus of spiritual healing is to find the weak point in each aura, then use the body to channel the life force to these spots. This promotes natural healing and rejuvenation.

Natural healing techniques can vary depending on the region, however regardless of the route taken or method used, they all work in a similar manner. Each technique has the same goal: to heal the body and revitalize sluggish Chakras. There are a few methods commonly used to reach that desirable state of calm.

Acupuncture involves the use of hair thin needles being placed along key points of the body. This technique stimulates the nervous system allowing natural energy flows to re-balance and reconnect to key Chakra points. It encourages the body to reboot to its original pathways.

Meditation is a gentle technique that requires the practitioner to still the body, and focus on deep breathing. The practitioner focuses on cleansing the body of all tension and negativity. This sounds simple, yet is very effective in rejuvenating misdirected Chakras.

Similar to meditation, quantum touch incorporates the use of a guide to help the student channel his or her life force. Participants focus on deep breathing techniques which guide each persons focus inwards. Once this is achieved the teacher shows the practitioner how to use their energy to promote healing. On certain occasions, massage may be used in conjunction with breathing exercises in order to deepen the sense of relaxation.

Regardless of the method implemented, spiritual healing is a gentle, non-invasive practice that will not interfere with any existing treatments. It is a natural exercise that focuses on realigning energy flows while strengthening Chakras. Practitioners often leave sessions feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on all the challenges our world requires.

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