Important Information On Tummy Tuck Michigan Patients Should Know

By Gregory Roberts

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure whose objective is to increase anterior abdominal wall tautness. Primarily, it is a cosmetic procedure but persons with certain medical conditions may also benefit. Experts recommended that potential candidates need to first try out lifestyle changes to achieve their desired results and should only consider surgery if these fail. Before undergoing tummy tuck Michigan residents need to understand a number of things beforehand.

Increased abdominal wall fat is the main reason as to why people would wish to have this operation. Commonly such obesity is the result of unhealthy lifestyles contributing to uncontrolled weight gain. Another common cause of such weight is pregnancy. A majority of women experience increase weight and fat deposition in areas such as the abdomen. While diet and exercise help reverse these changes after delivery in most of them, other measures are required in others.

Tummy tuck is not a method of weight loss. If there is a need to lose weight, then other options such as lifestyle modification and weight-loss operations should considered instead. It is also worth noting that the procedure may not be effective in managing central obesity. This is because most cases of central obesity are due to underlying medical conditions and the use of abdominoplasty may not achieve any meaningful effect.

Before you are subject to the procedure, the doctor will need to have your medical and will also conduct a physical examination on you. This is in an attempt to ensure that the procedure has potential benefits in your specific case. Additionally, any other conditions that may result in an increase in the amount of anterior abdominal wall fat (such as diabetes) have to be ruled out before the operation is scheduled.

There are different types of abdominoplasty that can be performed. The basis for classification is the amount of fat removed in one session and the size of the abdomen that is involved. Complete abdominoplasty is one of the most common types. It is fairly extensive and involves the entire abdominal region. A flap of skin is first created to expose the fat which is then suctioned by a vacuuming. The skin is then closed with stitches.

Partial abdominoplasty is also common. Candidates that choose this option are those that only wish to remove a small amount of fat in the affected region. The main focus is in the lower abdominal region while the other areas are spared. Whereas two incisions are needed for the complete abdominoplasty procedure, only one is used here.

This surgery is largely safe but has potential complications nonetheless. Create time with the doctor so that the risks can be discussed before you consent to the operation. During the operation excessive blood loss and injury to important structures are the most likely complications but these tend to be quite rare because the abdominal cavity is usually not opened. Infections may be encountered after a few days. In the long term, the main complication is the formation of ugly scars.

It takes a few weeks to recover from the operation. It is advisable that you stay away from strenuous activities for at least one month so as to allow the wound to heal well. If you are a smoker, you may need to abstain for at least two months as this may delay your healing process. Lifestyle changes need to be instituted afterwards so as to increase the chances of success.

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