Reasons You Should Eat Organic Beef And Pork

By Joseph Collins

Meats are great sources of proteins that are essential for body building. However, the quality of these meats, whether red or white, depends on what the animals feed on. For example, inorganic animal feeds enhance fast growth and high yield in livestock. However, products from such animals are have trace chemicals that can be harmful to your health. This is why many prefer organic beef and pork to their inorganic variants.

Going by scientific studies, any meat from pasture-fed livestock does not contain a lot of cholesterol or unhealthy fat. Such meat actually packs the precious omega-3 fatty acids and a lot of vitamins. This makes it healthy for the heart as it can prevent cardiovascular complications. On the other hand, grain-fed livestock does not produce healthy products. Their produce is characterized by high contents of cholesterol which can actually encourage obesity.

A common modern times disease still claiming lives of many everywhere around the world is cancer. Its major symptom is the malignant growth of cells occurring in different parts of the body. Now, treating this disease is expensive and very difficult. However, scientific studies have proved that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has anticancer properties. In this case, one can keep cancer at a bay by eating organic meat. This is because it contains high levels of CLA which helps control malignant growths whilst boosting your immunity.

Besides, CLA is good for boosting metabolism which is a major aspect of a healthy body. It also improves sugar balance thus making sure you do not suffer serious ailments like diabetes. This gives you another reason for considering organic meats.

While grains are good sources of starch and proteins, they may not have enough levels of vitamins found in grass. This leaves farmer with only one option of feeding their livestock with synthetic vitamin concentrates. They may also need to use hormone enhancers that quicken the growth of the animals. Unfortunately there is no way to remove such hormones from the meats of the livestock and can cause adverse effects on consumers including triggering growth of cancer cells.

You will also realize that pasture-fed livestock is exposed to a variety of plants that contain a wide range of nutrients. This improves the quality of their products and makes them tastier. On the other hand, grain-fed animals do not enjoy this biodiversity only found in grazing fields. In this case, if you want tasty and healthy meat, consider organic sources.

Since only a few chemicals are applied in organic farming, their waste products are non-toxic. This makes them good choices for preparing farm manure. This is not true for inorganic feeds. They produce toxic waste with a lot of salt that can poison the soil and underground water. As a result, plants and micro-organisms might die. This makes organic farming good for people and the environment.

In as much as organic products do not sell cheap, their advantages outweigh the prices. So, do not look at it as expenditure. It is a way of investing in your health.

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