Learn How A Dallas GA Chiropractor Helps Alleviate Whiplash Pain

By Arthur Albao

Today many people are suffering with neck injuries and may not even realize it. In fact, with injures like whiplash, one might not feel any effects or symptoms for days. Here is important information about whiplash from your Dallas GA chiropractic professionals.

A whiplash injury is the result of the body being thrown one direction and then in the opposite direction. After this happens, it can strain soft tissue in the neck and upper back. Once tissue has been injured it may start to swell and this can cause pain. However, it could be days before symptoms develop.

One of the biggest sources for whiplash injuries is auto accidents. For example, a vehicle runs into the back of your car and this immediately throws you forward. However, after being thrown forward your body may violently pitch backwards in the opposite direction. This is enough to cause trauma to the back and neck even if you are properly restrained.

Sports can be the cause of whiplash. For instance, being tackled in a game of football can cause neck trauma and other sports like soccer, boxing, and wrestling can also be a cause. Plus, if you ride bicycles or horses, you could receive a whiplash injury. Any activity which results in blows to the head may cause neck or back injuries.

Not everyone will have the same whiplash symptoms. Neck pain is very common and it is usually apparent within24 hours. For example, you could be in a car accident tonight and wake up in pain in the morning. Other symptoms include headache, dizziness, nausea, and problems with vision.

If you have been injured and suspect whiplash, it is very important to see your chiropractor. In fact, it's best to err on the side of caution when you have been involved in a traffic accident, and get an examination. Your chiropractor in Dallas GA has many therapy options which are proven effective for neck and back injuries.

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