Loss Of Teeth And Going For Dental Implants Maui Dentists Provide

By Brenda Thomas

Normally, missing teeth are associated with people in their sixties or older. When young people lose more than one tooth on one side of the jaw, the bone collapses making them look older than their actual age. When a youthful person has missing teeth, they may have a hard time laughing and talking in public. In case you are in such as situation, you are advised to look for a competent expert to help you get dental implants Maui dentists offer. Here are a few vital things to think of before having the process carried out.

One of the major causes of tooth loss is decay. This happens when cavities are left unattended, and the rot extends all the way to the root of the tooth. Other causes of decay include poor diet choices, lifestyle behaviors such as smoking and drinking and leaving minor dental problems untreated. There are also other things that can lead to premature tooth loss. These include a root canal procedure gone wrong, tooth defects that people are born with, injuries to the mouth and gum diseases.

Implants are screws made of titanium. These are sometimes clarified and referred to as dental prosthetics. They are also classified as a cosmetic process as it improves how a person looks. The dentist drills hole in the jawbone where the screws are attached. This structure will act as the tooth root. This process is then followed by attachment of stumps, which will eventually support the crown or the visible part of the tooth.

It is recommended that you have a consultation with a competent dentist before getting the implant. During the consultation, he will assess the condition of your jawbone to see if it can adequately support the implants. However, do not let the weakness of the jaw worry you too much. Dentists have bone grafting procedures that they do to strengthen the jaw so it can support the implants.

The process takes places in stages that can last up to 9 months. The first stage is drilling into the jawbone and attaching the screws. The gum tissue is mended and left to heal for a month or two. During recovery, you will be needed to use a special mouthwash that kills all mouth bacteria.

The healing period should be at least two months so that the implant can get integrated into the tooth structure. After this part of the procedure, the stump and the crowns will be attached. Cleaning the teeth after implants is done by making use of a special toothbrush that cleans the gums without hurting the implant.

The benefits that you will get from these fixtures are simply countless. First, the normal layout of the jaw line is restored. This brings back the youthful appearance of a person. The person will also become more confident about talking to others in public. They will feel more at ease about smiling and laughing when around others. The ideal solution to premature and permanent tooth loss is going for implants.

Dental implant is a simple and yet permanent solution to missing teeth. Consult with a professional dentist to find out if you qualify for implants. You can then follow their guidance on financing the procedure and within no time, you will have a great pair of new teeth.

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