Tips On Treating Swollen Gums

By Pamela Wright

Many people think that dental health is all about keeping their teeth free from cavities. However, it usually go past this since it involves taking care of gums. Gums usually perform a very important function and they ought to be kept healthy. In some incidences, you may notice some pain in your gums. With time, they may start to swell and even bleed when brushing. These are the common symptoms which indicates early signs of gum diseases. Once you notice these signs, it becomes necessary to start treating swollen gums before the diseases manifest fully.

These infections can be caused by several bacteria. One of the major bacteria, which causes this disorder is known as gingivitis. This is among the major causes of gum swelling. Gingivitis is caused by failure to observe proper tooth care such as failure to brush your teeth as recommended. As a result, this leads to accumulation of food remains around your teeth, which attract this bacteria hence causing red gums.

Gingivitis if not well treated during its early stages will heavy manifest in your gums. Due to this heavy manifestation and infections, there will be another fatal bacteria by the name periodontitis, which will if not treated appropriately may be very risky to your health. Periodontitis is believed to cause stroke and even heart failure if not given the recommended medical attention.

Moreover, it is easy to contract this disorder especially when you have some mouth infections. Some of the mouth infections, which are caused by virus like the herpes, thrush, and fungi infections have also been found to cause these inflammations. Immediate an individual has noticed these diseases, he or she is supposed to take the recommended medication. This will help in eliminating the any future inflammation that might be caused by these mouth disorders.

However, there several remedies, which are recommended for these disorder. Immediately after noticing sign of these infections, it is advisable that you use cloves oil. This oil contains a substance, which has a perfect ant-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These substances will help you treat this disorder. You only need to mix olive oil and clove oil and soak cotton ball into the mix then apply it on the swollen area.

Another therapy for these diseases is the use of lemon water on the part, which has been infected by the disease. Actually, fresh lemons are rich sources of some minerals like calcium, vitamin C, traces of pectin and even some amounts of potassium. As a result of these contents, lime water be used to treat this inflammation. In addition, it has antibacterial properties and this is why it suitable for healing the disorder.

A solution of water and salt can is also appropriate for curing the disorder. You are advised to get a concentrated solution and apply it on the affected gum. This is actually one among the best treatments that has been in uses for a very long time. You only need to rinse your mouth with a concentrated solution on at different times of the day until you start feeling better.

Additionally, another important remedy for the disorder is use of Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has several medicinal values and among them is treating this disorder. It has an antifungal, antioxidant, and even anti-inflammation properties. With this properties, it is in a position to treat inflammation around your teeth.

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