General Information On Diabetic Foot Care Scottsdale Residents Should Know

By Skip Channing

Diabetes leads to a number of acute and chronic complications. Among the chronic complications is what is described as diabetic foot. This condition is characterized by frequent injuries of the feet that lead to non-healing wounds. The main underlying problems are a reduced perception of pain and compromised blood supply. Taking good care of your feet helps reduce the risk of these problems. If they have been diagnosed with diabetes, there are several things on diabetic foot care Scottsdale residents should know.

The starting point of preventing complications is to ensure that the blood sugar levels are well controlled. Taking oral hypoglycemic medication (or insulin) as prescribed by your physician should is a must. Make sure that you monitor your blood glucose levels on a regular basis to ensure that the drugs are indeed having a beneficial effect. Honor appointments with your physician so that any existing problems can be identified early.

Persons suffering from diabetes need to inspect their feet daily. The reduced sensation may mean that you will not be aware of cuts, bruises or burn injuries until they have become infected. The regular inspection will help one identify the injuries early enough so that treatment can be initiated in timely fashion. You may need to use a magnifying mirror to inspect the bottom of the feet.

For persons that already have wounds on their feet, treatment with the right antibiotics is needed. Oral antibiotics are usually sufficient for most cases. Admission to wound care centers may be needed in cases where the infection is extensive. In such centers a multidisciplinary approach that involves physicians, surgeons, nutritionists and nurses is adopted. Dead tissues have to be debrided (surgically removed) and the wound covered with special dressings so as to facilitate faster healing.

Ill-fitting shoes have been identified as a common cause of complications among persons with diabetes. Ensure that you have shoes that do not exert excessive pressure on your feet as this will increase the chances of ulcer formation. Visit a podiatrist (foot doctor) to help you in choosing the right shoe type for your case. This is especially important for persons that already have problems such as hammer toes, bunions and flat feet.

Ensure that your feet are well moisturized to avoid cracking. Even as you do this, dry the area between your toes completely to keep fungal infections at bay. Putting on socks not only protects the feet from injury but also helps maintain the moisture. Make sure that the socks are clean, dry and well fitting. If too tight, they may interfere with circulation. Change them on a daily basis.

There are a number of lifestyle changes that you can undertake. Regular exercise is among them. The exercise will help improve circulation in the lower limbs and will also lower sugar levels. Cessation of smoking is another important measure. This is because nicotine is one of the major components of tobacco. It has an inhibitory effect on wound healing and may increase the risk of non-healing ulcers.

Diabetic feet are among the most serious complications of diabetes. If not treated in good time, the condition may progress and even lead to amputation of affected limbs. Examining the feet thoroughly on a regular basis goes a long way in minimizing the risk of ulcer formation and infections. Always consult your physician when you encounter something suspicious.

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