Laminitis & The Impact Of PEMF Therapy For Horses

By Robin Setser

There's no denying the strength associated with horses, whether it's in relation to their ability to race or what have you. Of course, illness is always going to be a concern, and one of the most serious sicknesses is known as laminitis. For those who are unfamiliar, there are more than a few details to make note of. In addition, you can learn about PEMF therapy for horses, as it might have an impact on your pet in terms of pain relief.

If you did not know, laminitis is an inflammatory condition that affects many animals with hoofs. Suffice it to say, horses fall under this umbrella as well, but there seems to be no one group that's at less risk than another. Horses of all ages and both sexes can be impacted, which means that pet owners have to be mindful. This is especially true when you consider the various symptoms that are often associated with laminitis in general.

There are two forms of laminitis: acute and chronic. Acute, in simplest terms, has a more immediate impact. Your horse might become reluctant or simply unable to walk at the pace that he or she is meant to. Chronic is a more progressive form, as visual symptoms tend to take longer to surface. Whatever your horse's specific condition entails, it's important to recognize how the issue can be remedied, or at the very least brought down in terms of severity.

As companies the likes of Assisi Animal Health can attest, contacting your veterinarian should be the first step to take. Next, you should ask questions regarding PEMF therapy for horses, given the fact that it's a great way to relieve discomfort. Some vets will recommend that you change your horse's diet, since an excessive amount of grain can lead to laminitis. By adjusting your horse's regimen accordingly, you impact their health for the better.

Laminitis is a serious condition that horses can fall ill with, but it's not like you're short on remedies. You might simply have to change your pet's diet, or maybe you'll have to look into more extensive measures. Whatever the case may be, it's fortunate that this situation can be handled well, provided the condition in question is caught early on. If this is the case, you can rest easy knowing that your horse can benefit from a greater quality of life.

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