Important Aspects Of Heroin Treatment American Fork Addicts Should Understand

By Donald Wallace

Heroin addiction is one of the most difficult to deal with. A good number of persons who undergo rehabilitation relapse within weeks of completion. Self-discipline and a strong social support structure are central to the success of this process. If looking for heroin treatment American Fork residents need to understand a number of things. Perhaps the most important of them is that treatment is a process rather than an event.

The available treatment options are broadly classified as pharmacological and behavioral therapies. The treatments are often administered in combination. The first step stage in the process is known as detoxification. This is also referred to as chemical withdrawal. This is an extremely intense period that has to take place in an inpatient facility for several days. Occasionally, withdrawal symptoms may set in and these include nausea, muscle and joint pains, flu-like illnesses and chills among others.

Withdrawal symptoms are usually managed by a drug known as methadone or other antagonists of heroin. The drug is started as soon as the symptoms are noticed and continued for some time. Since the drug may have withdrawal symptoms of its own, it is tapered off over weeks to months. Other alternatives that may be used include buprenorphine and naltrexone. The duration of administering the drugs depends on the severity of symptoms.

The second stage is referred to as the therapy stage. Here the patient is enrolled in various classes that are conducted on a one on one format with the therapist or as a group with fellow addicts. Each of the two types of therapy has various associated benefits. While individual therapy provides confidentiality, group therapy greatly helps in problem solving by providing many varied solutions to a common problem.

One of the modern trends in the treatment process is the adoption of residential house models. What this means is that the treatment center is a residential home in which the patient has access to various recreational physical activities. Such may include biking, hiking, running and swimming. Such settings have been found to greatly aid in stress relief and to shorten the time that is required for recovery.

The third and final stage is the maintenance stage. The stage begins when the recovering addict goes back home to rejoin his or her family. Their management from this point is on an outpatient basis. The clients are required to attend regular support group sessions (narcotic anonymous) as well as individual therapy. Family therapy should also be organized if possible to help the individual integrate better into the family.

The most common type of behavioral treatment that is given alongside the pharmacological therapy is known as cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT. The therapy is very successful because the client is involved in the entire process. They participate in identifying factors that may have led to the problem and also take part in generating solutions to the addiction problem.

Dealing with heroin addiction calls for a multi-pronged strategy. Treatment should be individualized since the problem is unique in every person. It is important for the family to be closely involved since social support is an integral ingredient of the process. Periodic evaluation helps establish whether the client is improving or relapsing.

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