Information You Need To Know About Halal MRE

By Martha Perry

Our constantly shrinking world has made it possible that many faiths and ideas are shared across borders as not done before. A case in fact is the wider spread of the faith of Islam and its practices, particularly in what it sees things as being forbidden or not. The concepts of halal and haram, allowed and forbidden, are something that many are now becoming more familiar with. And while on your field exercises, you may have seen your Muslim brothers eating Halal MRE, and you are wondering what this can be.

Halal means basically allowed, as opposed to the word haram, which means forbidden. When this term is applied to food, it means that the food has been prepared in such a way as overseen by a Muslim cleric or priest so that it becomes edible for the faithful. It means more than just the label as it means that it has gone through a strict process and it must also include details on ingredient origins as well. A true Muslim will know whether food is halal or not.

The food prepared in this way, will follow the Islamic tenet of not eating any pork at all. Thus it will not include any pork derivatives, or anything that will hint of blood or alcohol. MSG and animal based gelatins are also not included in this kind of food preparation. It will always have foods and vegetables, herbs and spices, dairy products, cereals and grains.

Western food, including fast food favorites and mainstream fare, are also being prepared the halal way in selected countries and territories. This is because not only is it due to rising demand, but also because it makes for a lucrative business as well. The cost of making it is quit high also, so it means that halal food may be a more expensive as well.

Consumer items such as clothing and cosmetics are now also being processed according to these same procedures as well. In terms of tourism, many hotels follow halal procedures, or allowed procedures in terms of segregating men and women and not offering alcohol on the menus.

The US military has not been immune to this global movement either., especially in the way that it is now preparing Meal Ready to Eat packs. It is expected that in the end what you will be getting is something a lot more healthier but a lot more expensive as well due to the aforementioned stricter preparation procedures.

The MRE prepared in this way will not have certain specific ingredients. They will not contain MSG or asparteme, sucralose and a majority of preservative sugars, and also will not have any trans fats. The lack of these ingredients in theory will make the soldier be less fatigued and less jumpy on the field of battle.

The final jury and judgment is definitely up to you on whether this kind of MRE is for your palate or not. It most likely will boil down to the cost efficiency of such a meal as it has been stated before, it is and will be more expensive than the regular MRE. Thus take a look and study to see if the extra cost will warrant any foreseen health benefits that may accrue to you.

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