Important Things To Know Concerning TMJ Treatment

By Ronald Hughes

Temporomandibular joints connect the lower jaw and the skull bone to each other in front of the ears of the head. These flexible joints allow the movement of the jaw for talking and chewing food but if either this or its connected muscles do not properly function then neck, head and jaw pain might be experienced. This is known as a TMJ syndrome or a disorder.

Other symptoms could be tooth grinding, insomnia, stuffy ears, limited opening, sensitive teeth and jaw popping, stiffness or clicking. Other severe ones include facial swelling, dizziness, false migraines, tinnitus and vertigo. If one or more symptoms are being experienced by you then getting TMJ treatment Atlanta would be better.

Before getting treated, determining the cause first is important to know what method will be used in curing your disorder faster. The most common of these causes is a misaligned or bad bite which occurs resulting from poor body posture, missing teeth, trauma or genetics. Tooth grinding damages teeth also and an undue stress is put on tooth restorations such as dental bridges and implants.

Disk erosion is when the disk, which is made from cartilage, separating the TMJ bones erodes or the arthritis damages it. Other reasons could be the bad habit people developed when greatly stressed such as clenching teeth or tightening the jaw and facial muscles. It could also be because of blunt force trauma or allergies.

Diagnosis is done usually checking your TMJ and doing the oral exam but other doctors checks your face, head and neck as well. Their first priority on the treatment is any muscle spasms, tension and pain would be relieved. These are usually what patients feel when suffering from the syndrome even when the problem is not mainly caused by them.

Therapeutic massage is temporary relief for other symptoms and this is done through massaging trigger point muscles of the head, neck and face. The underlying cause may not be corrected although this is an important therapeutic tool in treating this disorder. Certain herbs, supplements and vitamins are recommended as well as pain relievers.

Another approach which can help effectively with the disorder is the orthodontic therapy that repositions the teeth correctly. Doing this would make the joints revert back to their optimal alignment that reduces or eliminates any ongoing symptoms. This prevents also the wear and tear of the teeth that abnormally happens due to them not aligning properly.

Oral appliance therapy is considered to be the most effective treatment for the pain being felt by the patients. The doctor will customize one which would comfortably fit in your mouth and would hold the lower jaw down, preventing further tooth grinding. This should be always worn for two to six weeks at most but headache relief can be felt even during the first week.

These are just basic things you need to know about treating this condition. This would help you get prepared on what to expect when visiting a specialist in Atlanta, GA to help with your problem. If you think you are suffering from this, get it cured immediately to avoid it getting worse.

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