Reasons To See Your TMJ Dentist Atlanta

By Brenda Ellis

When you encounter high levels of physical stress and discomfort in your jaw, it could indicate the onset of misalignment and muscle damage. Teeth clenching, clicking in the jaw, and headaches are symptoms associated with TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. In consultation with a specialist TMJ dentist Atlanta patients can learn about pain management techniques to relieve discomfort and prevent the deterioration of teeth.

When the jawbone becomes severely misaligned and does not move or sit correctly, it causes the surrounding muscles to weaken. The muscles in the jaw have to work much harder to maintain mobility of the joint, but cannot manage the added pressure and suffer from swelling and inflammation. Damaged muscles irritate and compress the nerves in the facial area and you experience painful symptoms from the jaw to the rest of the body.

The symptoms of TMJ are best managed with individualized technique and efficient standards of therapy. When your jaw is problematic you may experience abnormal movement and sounds when opening and closing your mouth. Symptoms extend from the jaw to the formation of pain in the ears, neck and the head that cannot be resolved conventionally and requires alternative care strategies.

The disorder is associated with toothache as patients who tend to clench and grind their teeth cause immense pressure on the joint within the jawbone. Ongoing grinding of teeth is called Bruxism and requires careful intervention to alleviate the physical stress placed on the joint. You can eventually grind your teeth away causing high levels of sensitivity and continuous aches and strained operation.

If you wish to manage TMJ, you need to rely on the assistance of an experienced and specialist practitioner offering alternative oral care. Consultation with your dentist can help address poor operation and detect the source for symptoms. With reliance on the correct oral healthcare strategies, Implementing the correct procedure and discovering the best management techniques for the disorder can help reduce the experience of severe pain and related symptoms.

If you are affected by ongoing toothache after clenching and grinding, the dentist can create an oral appliance or support to protect the teeth and minimize grinding. These dental enhancements can facilitate alignment and help keep the teeth from deteriorating any further. It alleviates painful symptoms and encourages healthy jaw movement as the extra support manages the state of alignment.

An X-ray of the jaw and alignment of teeth is needed to help restore balance and protect the teeth against further deterioration. The dentist can determine whether the back teeth are problematic causing the poorly aligned jaw or whether the joint itself has degenerated and requires extra support. The practitioner may advise on stress relief and oral exercises to strengthen supporting muscles and the jawbone joint.

TMJ requires assistance from a qualified and experienced healthcare provider who can advise on corrective treatment and the long term management of this condition. An oral plan is created to improve individual alignment and prevent teeth from becoming worn during grinding and clenching. With the options provided by a TMJ dentist, relief from symptoms can be achieved and the cavities protected from additional damage and deterioration.

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