Teleradiology Services May Benefit All Of Us

By Joseph Morris

As medical costs have risen, medical facilities are trying to use technology to help keep costs down. Government programs have only made things more expensive, and lessened the availability of property healthcare for many people. Technological innovation is bringing us option, such as teleradiology services.

We have all seen radiology bills, both on our itemized charges as well as separate bills that come when we have been in a hospital. Not everyone realizes that radiology encompasses basically all imaging techniques from x-rays to CT scans. Even fewer patients realize that these images are nearly always sent to an off-site location to be evaluated by a properly trained professional.

Most private medical practices have to send their physical images to a local service in order to have them evaluated properly. For this reason, it is not uncommon for patients to be transported to area hospitals for treatment of broken bones, or evaluation of a patient complaining of chest pain. Local urgent centers often have patients transported via ambulance or Life-Flight, at great cost to the patient.

These small practices are generally not big and rich enough to be able to afford on-site radiologists. Even area hospitals are not always able to support such an expensive service considering radiologists can charge up to $1,500.00 per day for their presence in the hospital environment. However, having such a professional available to evaluate certain tests is a requirement for providing proper medical care.

Ultrasound radiologists often work in a vacuum, as OB doctors are one of the few local medical practices that are likely to keep a radiologist on hand. However, ultrasounds involve the live miniature human in motion factor, and this means getting proper measurements and evaluations done in real time can be difficult. In instances where they see something that seems off to them, they are now able to access a second-opinion while the patient is on the radiology table.

This is great news for pregnant mothers, patients with multiple fractures or internal injuries, or even cardiac patients. Time is of the essence in many of these cases. By having the results of internal imaging available right away, other specialists can be brought in more quickly to perform life-saving surgeries, or any other procedures before additional damage can occur to the body while they wait.

Online radiology services mean real-time evaluations can be done at smaller facilities or small-town hospitals. It also means expert evaluation is there for those in third world countries, or anyone being assisted by the Doctors Without Borders ship. The radiologists themselves are on-call for long periods of time, but they are otherwise able to live where they like, and can sometimes even work from home.

These services are charging hospitals by the image rather than by the day, and the savings is measured in the thousands of dollars. It is typical for an image evaluation to be charged at less than $100.00 per image. Patients should know whether or not their hospital is being charged per-image or by the day, and pay close attention to the radiology bills that come in to be certain that the savings is passed on to them.

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