Understanding Reasons For Legal Paternity Testing

By Ronald Jackson

When it comes to DNA testing, there are a number of reasons individuals may wish to do so. While providing DNA to companies which provide information on ancestry and heritage is currently quite popular, there are other reasons such as legal paternity testing which can have both positive and negative connotations for those involved.

DNA being used for a number of paternity related issues uses genetic fingerprinting to prove whether or not two individuals share biological markers. The test, which is 99.9% accurate establishes genetic proof using the paternal DNA of the father to prove a biological connection to a child. Whereas, a maternity test can now establish whether a woman is the birth mother.

With even newer DNA tests, the likelihood of grandparents and grandchildren having the same markers can now also be proved. For, while new DNA tests are now considered the most accurate on the market, older methods are still used in some areas. These methods include, ABO blood group typing, the use of leukocyte antigen antigens and by analyzing proteins and enzymes.

Along with DNA, other current tests include polymorphism or RLFP and polymerase chain reaction or PCR. In addition, paternity testing can also take place in the womb while a woman is still pregnant through blood draws and comparisons. While this is the case, DNA tests are still the most advanced and accurate of all such tests.

When being used for legal reasons, there are specific factors which must be included during DNA tests. One of the most important factors is that those seeking such tests choose a reputable firm which has authority to provide legal DNA tests. For, there is a percentage related to the DNA match involved in the process which follows the chain of custody often used in the process.

In most cases, companies providing such tests can be found online or in local directories. While this is the case, when looking for tests with regards to legal reasons, it is important to use a reputable firm with a history of accuracy. It should also be noted that those seeking a test for legal reasons must also provide multiple forms of identification as often required by law.

The evidence necessary must be extremely clear with the ability to convince a judge or other official the results are accurate. In fact, the evidence must be even more convincing than most provided during a civil litigation case. As such, the results must provide accuracy beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual and child are related before any legal action such as adoption can be finalized.

Recently, authorities working in the area of immigration such as France, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States have been requesting that immigration petitioners asking for custody and beneficiaries of such requests provide voluntary DNA tests before being reunited. While this is the case, only a few countries have moved forward with processing such request.

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