Applying Sunless Tanning Lotion Is A Smarter Decision Than Sun Tanning

By Haywood Hunter

People love the look of a flawless tan but hate the damage done by ultraviolet rays. They have found that they can still get this look by using sunless tanning lotion. They have avoided prematurely aging their skin and yet still have managed to get the great natural look that people with darker skin were born with. Sunless tanning lotion has been exactly what they needed.

Up until the early 1900s people avoided the sun and, in fact, tanned skin was considered to be a sign of the lower class. In fact, much of fashion was designed to completely cover the skin and avoid sun exposure. Then in the 1920s Coco Chanel made the suntan fashionable and generations of women followed her lead. While she got her first tan from burning this is an unsafe method, sunless tanning lotion gives the same look without damaging sun exposure.

People today know how damaging excessive sun exposure can be. They know that melanoma risk can be increased by too much exposure. They also know that your skin ages quicker and that your eyes can be damaged. In fact, the damage to your eyes could be permanent. You can avoid this by using sunless tanning lotion instead of lying in the sun.

Melanoma, or skin cancer, is something that greatly concerns the medical community. They have issued warnings telling people to avoid too much exposure to the sun because the ultraviolet radiation can cause significant damage. If you want to have a lovely tan but do not want to injure your skin then sunless tanning lotion can help.

Of course, lying in the sun is not only way people tan. Many people use sunless tanning lotion but others visit solar beds. The problem is that solar booths may be even more dangerous than sun because they give off about fifteen percent more UV than the sun. The government has begun issuing warnings against solar beds because they are concerned about the increased risks associated with this method.

Sun addiction is something that has been linked to the endorphins released during sun exposure. However, it is also tied to body image and people who consider themselves sickly and pale looking have become addicted. While they are undergoing treatment sunless tanning lotion could be used to give them one less thing to worry about.

The risk of UV radiation damage is a real one. You can avoid this risk by using sunless tanning lotion for your great tan. It is very simple and easy to apply. You will not need to leave the house without a tan ever again. If you are concerned about the smell then make sure that you consider the higher value products.

The first wave of sunless tanning lotion sometimes turned off customers because it had a strong chemical smell. However, researchers have worked hard to make a good sunless tanning lotion that does not have this smell. If you want to look tanned and natural but do not want the smell then make sure you try some of the higher end sun tanning lotion.

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