A Reputable Healthy Vegan Food Blog Helps Prevent Diabetes

By Melissa Allen

It's no secret that the intake of unhealthy foods can cause unnecessary weight gain and increase heart disease risk. Not a lot of people are aware that it can also lead to the development of diabetes, a very serious health condition. Those who like to considerably lower their risk of diabetes may visit a reputable healthy vegan food blog so that they may know which foods they should have and also avoid.

Lowering the amount of sugar added to the diet per day is the primary goal. It goes without saying that too much of it can cause a spike in the levels of sugar in one's bloodstream. Health experts say that this is a major problem as it can quickly lead to the existence of what's called insulin resistance.

The name makes it quite obvious that it has something to do with the resistance of the body's cells to insulin. To put it in another way, the cells respond no longer to the hormone. Insulin resistance causes sugar to stay in the blood as the various cells remain deprived of fuel or energy.

The higher the levels of sugar in the bloodstream get, the more severe insulin resistance becomes. Time will arrive when a disease called diabetes will come into being. It's actually a very common health-related concern. In fact, in the United States these days experts estimate that there are more than 100 million adults suffering from it.

Sadly, to date there is no cure discovered for this disease. This only means that a person who is diagnosed with it won't be able to get a prescription for a drug that can make it disappear. The good news is it can be managed effectively despite of being incurable. Putting it under control means keeping one's blood sugar levels within what's considered as the normal range. Such can be achieved with the help of certain drugs and also some smart dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

If you fail to attain that, you should brace yourself for some really unfavorable consequences. There are so many different additional problems that diabetes can bring, and a lot of them can be really terrifying. Some of those include heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage, loss of vision, hearing impairment and leg amputation. As you can see, diabetes is a disease that no one on the planet should take lightly.

Steering clear of foods that are high sugar is definitely a smart move. Processed products and those that are available at fast food joints should be avoided as well. On the other hand, the addition of fiber-rich foods to the diet is highly recommended by the experts. That's because fiber helps remove excess sugar from the bloodstream. As a general rule of thumb, one must go for well-balanced meals.

Having a healthy lifestyle is also a definite must. One should regularly get his or her dose of exercise. Experts suggest keeping stress to a minimum and getting plenty of restorative sleep. Cigarette smoking and too much consumption of alcoholic drinks should be avoided at all costs.

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