Following An Injury Manhattan Neck Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic

By Clinton Arnhold

The human neck, although slim, is capable of supporting the twelve pound head. You can look up, down, right and left due to the flexibility of this structure. The cervical spine consists of seven vertebral bones that can be damaged. During your initial visit to the the chiropractic offices Manhattan NY has available, you may ask for a full explanation.

Someone may fall and hit his head and injure his neck. One common cause of neck pain is an automobile accident. This injury is called whiplash due to the whipping motion that occurs in a crash. Rear end collisions are especially noted for causing whiplash.

The muscles tighten and contract causing a stiff neck. In addition, the joints, ligaments, nerve roots and intervertebral discs can be damaged. A condition known as a subluxation means that the spinal bones are not in the correct alignment.

An in-depth evaluation will be done during your first appointment with the chiropractor. You will discuss the pain, how severe it is and how long you have had it. Testing will be done on reflexes, range-of-motion and posture.

Most people prefer not to take prescription pain pills because they fear addiction. Chiropractic care is preferred because no invasive procedures are used. Following an evaluation, an individualized care plan is devised.

Adjusting the vertebrae is the primary way to alleviate pain in most cases. This method uses pressure applied in a specific way to correct a misalignment. Everyone has special needs and every person has a different care plan designed specifically for him or her.

Care may also include massage and an exercise routine to follow at home. As the joints are relaxed by the adjustments, the pain from muscular spasms is reduced. The exercise program should be continued indefinitely. It is wise to return for a check-up about six months after the pain is brought to a tolerable level.

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