Factors To Be Considered In Method Validation

By Kaira G. Tafoya

Validation is a systematic approach to gathering and analyzing sufficient data which will give reasonable assurance (documented evidence), based upon scientific judgment, that a process, when operating within specified parameters, will consistently produce results within predetermined specifications. It is an action of proving, in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing practice, that any procedure, process, equipment, material, activity, or system actually leads to the expected result. It is a documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes and characteristics. It is used as obtaining and documenting evidence to demonstrate that a method can be relied upon to produce the intended result within defined limits.

The minimum requirements of method validation are discussed below. In the case of methods developed from scratch in-house a much more comprehensive approach covering the other parameters described below will be required. Few laboratories, however, take this approach and the norm is to adopt and perhaps slightly modify standard methods.

Precision is the measure of the degree of repeat ability of an analytical method under normal operation and is normally expressed as the percent relative standard deviation for a statistically significant number of samples. The two most common precision measures are 'repeat-ability' and 'reproducibility'. These are expression of two extreme measure of precision which can be obtained. Repeatability (the smallest expected precision) will give an idea of the sort of variability to be expected when a method is performed by a single analyst on one piece of equipment over a short time scale. If a sample is analyzed by a number of laboratories for comparative purposes then a more meaningful precision measure to use is reproducibility (this is the largest measure of precision). In practice the laboratory is usually interested in the extent of variability which occurs over time when it operates the method. This is called 'intermediate precision' and describes the variability when the method is deployed in the same laboratory, perhaps on different pieces of equipment, and using different analysts on the staff. It is expected that this will give a value between repeatability and reproducibility.

There are several important features of Validation like Increased throughput, reduction in rejections and reworking, reduction in utility costs, avoidance of capital expenditures, fewer complaints about process-related failures, reduced testing in-process and in finished goods, more rapid and reliable start-up of new equipment, easier scale-up from development work, easier maintenance of equipment, improved employee awareness of processes and more rapid automation.

A gathering of specialists would have created standard systems synergistic-ally. In principle this improvement ought to incorporate thought of the greater part of the important parts of acceptance. Then again, the obligation stays with the client to guarantee that the acceptance documentation is finished to the needs. Regardless of the fact that the approval is finished, client needs to guarantee that it sets up that the system is fit for the reason proposed for the technique.

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