After Lasik San Antonio Patients Can Look Life In The Eye Again

By Maria Bailey

Everybody treasure their five senses, but in many cases, one only start to appreciate them when something goes wrong. Take eye sight, for example. Without the ability to see one becomes dependant upon others. Blind people and others with very poor eye sight have to give up many things that used to provide them with pleasure. The good news is that many eye conditions can be treated successfully. Following lasik San Antonio patients often see better than they have in years.

During the past few decades laser treatment has experienced a huge surge in popularity. More than twenty eight million people have undergone the surgery, which is rather straight forward. The surgeon uses a precision laser instrument to carefully shape the cornea in order to make sure that light entering the eye is correctly and sharply focused upon the cornea at the back of the eye.

This surgical procedure boasts with a very high success rate. Patient satisfaction rates are also extremely high and many patients say that they could see better after the procedure than they could for years before the treatment. Many never wear glasses or contact lenses again. Treatment is done under a local anaesthetic, but some patients also require a mild sedative. Patients normally recover fully within one or two days.

The surgery is not cheap, but many medical insurance companies will cover the cost of laser treatment. However, if the cost of periodic eye tests and the cost of replacing glasses and lenses is taken into account then the cost of surgery is rather low in the long term. It would be impossible to qualify the value of being able to see and to regain control over life.

The procedure is considered to be extremely safe but any surgical intervention carries some risks of complications developing with infection at the top of the list. This very rarely occur. Other patients have said that they have experienced blurred vision for a while, with halos and star bursts. Most patients report that their eyes feel dry but this is expected for a while.

Patients need to care for their eyes for a day or two after surgery. If they go outside, they are advised to wear dark glasses. They are also asked to wear eye patches when they go to sleep. This is to prevent them from inadvertently rubbing their eyes during the night. Patients need to complete a course of antibiotics. If complications develop, it is often in patients that ignored instructions from the surgeon.

Choosing a surgeon should be undertaken with circumspect. It is vital that the chose surgeon is not only fully qualified to perform the procedure but highly experienced in doing so. Patients should never feel too intimidated to ask for references. No reputable surgeon will agree to perform the procedure without performing a full assessment and without making sure that the patient is fully informed on what to expect.

Laser treatment has benefited millions of people. Restoring the ability to see must be one of the most empowering experiences any medical specialist can have. Ongoing research will ensure that the risk of complications will be reduced even further.

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