Things To Know About Glaucoma San Antonio

By Sarah Hill

Glaucoma is a disease or condition which causes outright damage to the eye optic nerves, and it usually worsens with time. It is often linked with pressure buildups in the interior of the eyes. The disease is usually inheritable, and it does not show up during the early stages or when one is young. It in most instances comes up at late ages or stages of life. If glaucoma San Antonio not treated, can cause permanent loss of visual ability.

Research has shown that Glaucoma is normally as a result of excess amounts of pressure in eyes, termed as intraocular. The pressure subsequently causes insurmountable damage to the eyes and its structures, for example the optic nerves. When these optic nerves get damaged very consistently, then what ensues is absolute vision loss. Owing to this reason, experts advise that people should be checked in regular intervals, in a bid to ensure that this disease is detected early, and ten mitigated effectively.

Certain people are at greater risks of getting this Glaucoma disease, compared to others. The condition usually affects mostly senior members of society, especially those with forty years and above. However, the condition is also experienced by young people as well as infants, though not as common as in the senior citizens. Also, people of certain descents are at greater risks, as compared to others.

For example, the disease has been confirmed to occur in people from African-American, Russian, Hispanic, Scandinavian and Inui descents. These are the descents with a higher likelihood of contracting the disease, though it may also affect people from other descents. In addition, majority of the cases reported to have the disease, usually have family backgrounds or history of glaucoma disease. This is the reason why it is said this type of disease is usually inherited.

It is also important to address the symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease. The disease is indicated by various symptoms, for example sudden aches in the eyes, blurred or narrowing vision, seeing halos especially around many lights, and eyes that appear somewhat hazy, among many other symptoms. These are the major symptoms that should inform you of such a disease, and you should thus swiftly get treatment, upon discovering any of the signs.

Many people usually ask about the type of people vulnerable to this condition. The condition usually affects people who have attained the age of forty years and above, though it may also affect younger adults and infants as well as youth, though in very special circumstances. The condition has been reported to occur more frequently in African-Americans, at early ages and with a greater possibility of eyesight loss.

Tonometry is carried out in order to evaluate the eye pressures. Visual field tests are also administered, when need be, to evaluate the loss of peripheral visions. The Glaucoma tests are nonetheless, painless and also consume very little amounts of time.

In conclusion, Glaucoma is serious eyes condition that cot only affects residents of San Antonio, but the entire world at large. Therefore, people are encouraged to ensure that they are checked regularly for the condition, to avert the future consequences such as eyesight loss, among other adverse effects.

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