How To Ask Doctor Why Does My Back Hurt

By George Snyder

When any kind of pain breaks out in the body, it can be a sign that something is out of sync. When it comes to knowing when to ask a doctor why does my back hurt, there can be a number of answers. For example, if there is severe pain, tingling and numbness, the answer is often immediately. Whereas, the same goes for anyone whom is suffering this type pain and experiencing paralysis.

Before going to a doctor for pain in the back, it is important to recognize that most of this type pain goes away without treatment. For, most often the pain is due to stress and will dissipate in a day or two. When this is not the case, it is then advised the individual seek out a chiropractor or medical professional for an exam.

If an individual is experiencing paralysis and has pain in the lower back, taking the individual to the nearest Emergency Room or Urgent Care clinic is often advised. Individuals experiencing these symptoms are often advised not to drive as the body could freeze and the individual loose control of a vehicle. As such, it is often advised that if the individual can not find a ride, that an ambulance be requested.

In most cases, severe spinal pain is related to an old or new injury. At the same time, there are conditions and illnesses which can cause pain in the upper and lower back. For example, most often people with kidney stones will experience a great deal of discomfort on the lower left or right side along with back pain.

For, when an individual has kidney stones, most often there is a great deal of pain in the left or ride side along with lower back pain. If this is the case, doctors will sometimes prescribe medication to help the individual pass the stones. Whereas, at other times a MRI and surgery might be required. When having this type pain, it is important to visit a medical provider as soon as possible so that the stones can be eliminated and pain relieved.

Individuals experiencing this type of pain might also want to consider seeing a chiropractor. For, many of these individual can provide different wellness plans to address the cause and eliminate the pain. In most cases, these plans will include a combination of manual therapy massage, exercise therapy and chiropractic adjustments.

If after seeing a medical provider or chiropractor, the individual still has issues, it might be beneficial to make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist. For, if the pain is related to Osteoporosis or related conditions, these individuals can often be of great help. Unlike chiropractors whom often work towards a quick resolution, orthopedic practitioners often take a slower approach towards straightening and strengthening the body.

In most cases, there are two illnesses which can effect the spine and cause pain. These are spinal-stenosis and sciatica. For, each of these conditions, especially if paired with a twisted pelvis or other injury can often be the worse pain an individual will experience in a lifetime. As such, when either of these conditions appear, it is best to get a chiropractor or medical provider as quickly as possible.

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