Make Sure You Have A Nice Ozone Sanitizer

By Eloise Hewitt

There are so many ozone sanitizers in the market today that one is not sure which way to turn. Does one even know what an ozone sanitizer is? Is it a healthier choice from what you have grown up with? Ozone is called activated oxygen and contains three atoms instead of the normal two. It can be used to destroy odors, bacteria, and viruses. It is a gas at ambient temperatures that has a strong smell. This can be made as a gas from oxygen and can be dissolved into water.

Using this in a form of a gas on all sports equipment is very helpful. It will ensure that all germs etc will not be left in any cloth, padding, or seams. It will leave everything clean, safe, and odor- free.

The use of ozone sprays has become very popular. They are used to keep conveyors as well as all utensils clean during the day. It cuts down on time and a large reduction of hot water. It has proven to be a very good degreaser and prevents the risk of cross contamination. Labor time is greatly decreased as less time will be spent cleaning.

There are rules that are set into place where food is to be made. All the fittings, fixtures, and equipment must be kept in a clean state. All surfaces that food comes into contact with must be kept free of any germs. There are differences between cleaning and sanitizing. Both do however help to prevent the spread and growth of any organism that might cause illnesses as well as help to alleviate pests on the premises.

It is best to do this treatment while the occupants are away on holiday as the place needs to be vacant. The room with the worse smell is a good place to start. Depending on the severity of the smell, sometimes this can take a few days. The ozone generator can be faced in the direction of the central air system. This will ensure that it will circulate the whole place and will save time if strong smells are in different rooms. It is not advisable to be in the house while this is taking place as you could have prolonged exposure to the gas. It you become short of breath and develop a headache, ensure that you get fresh air as soon as possible.

Ozone will need to be the main sanitizer and produce as much as 95% of the oxidation required. This will leave the chlorine with the last 5% and will reduce the side effects dramatically. The amount of chemicals that are used in spas will need to be passed by the local health regulations.

The advantage of using ozone is that it is a very strong disinfectant and oxidant and is available in aqueous solutions as well as gaseous mixtures. Once it has been used it will turn into oxygen. It might be a very strong substance but it is still a very safe one to handle. When it is used to treat wastewater it converts bio- refractory materials to biodegradable which will lower the concentrations of problematic organic compounds. It may not be totally soluble in water but it is stable enough that the disinfectant properties can be utilized.

The use of this might even reduce the use of laundry detergent, thereby lowering the expulsion of harmful chemicals in the wastewater. Hospitals, nursing homes, and even medical facilities can then reduce or even eliminate all the dangerous micro organisms that are found in soiled materials. Ozone sanitizers are safer and help the environment at the same time.

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