When Is Your Tooth Ache Serious?

By Hedrick Lepsch

No pain, no gain, right? Kids are surprisingly tough little creatures. In my very own elementary school, we had lots of sports related mishaps. Playing soccer, little Chad crashed into the goal post and had to get stiches on his head. I got smacked in the face with a basketball and nearly broke my nose. Kids fell off the monkey bars, tripped and scraped their knees playing tag, and twisted ankles playing kickball. It's a natural part of life.

He left work early to figure things out. He was feeling like he would need surgery or something because it was such a radiant pain that he was feeling in his mouth. By time he called the dentist it was too late in the day. Tame was left to his own miserable condition for the night. As he sat there thinking about his sad state, he watched Cast Away on TNN.

Chips and breaks are usually more serious than fractures. Why? This is because when pieces of your teeth break off, it could expose the living tissue and nerves beneath the hard outer shell. That translates to pain. And often infection.

These protective measures avert serious, potentially lasting injuries like broken bones, concussions, brain damage, and drowning. But there is one more thing that people often forget: mouth guards. Just because baby teeth eventually fall out, that doesn't mean they aren't important.

Tame didn't sleep that whole night. He just withered and wiggled in pain. He was so tired that he had to take the bus instead of driving to the dentist in Sandy, UT. Finally sleep took over and he was out like a light. When he reached the stop for the dentist he was barely able to walk because of the pain he was feeling in his mouth and head.

There are several ways teeth can be fixed. Sometimes all it takes is a small filling or bonding to "fill in the gap" and reinforce the surface of the teeth. For more cosmetic reasons, you might get a dental veneer - which acts kind of like a fake fingernail, except for your teeth. And much more durable.

With a mouth guard, your child will be protected from direct contact with a ball, elbow, the ground, or whatever may hit them. Additionally, if a child trips or crashes into another child or object, the backlash could cause your child's mouth to snap shut suddenly - damaging teeth, cutting lips, their tongue, or cheeks. Mouth guards made by your dentist in Sandy can protect your child from any of these injuries.

The dentist further explained that these pains we feel are much like the warning lights flashing in a car telling us to check our bodies just to make sure there isn't something wrong. Tame's choice to see the dentist in Sandy, UT was a good one.

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