Facts That You Should Know About Craft Distillers

By Kenya Campos

Drinking is a huge part of human customs and traditions. Like most things, this too has both an up side and a down side. The vast majority of the society sees alcohol as something that is bad due to the increasing number of alcoholics. This alcohol dependence is affecting most families and people relations, so this particular outrage is somehow justifiable.

Alcoholic beverages are very popular today, and there are many reasons why people drink. One reason why craft distillers continue producing spirits and other liqueurs is to give an avenue for people to socialize. In most conducted surveys, sociability ranks high among top reason for alcohol consumption. This is furthermore supported by clubs, bars, and other public venues that encourage said activity. People often get drunk to release inhibitions and be able to mix in with others they really never hang out with when they are sober.

Some drink to take away the feeling of unease when one is subjected to unfamiliar situations. Those who are terribly shy that their shyness gets in the way to meeting new people resort to downing that extra shot of tequila to gather the courage to speak up and mingle with the crowd. Sometimes all it takes is getting a little tipsy to be able to have the courage to do novel things, all for the sake of adventure. You only live once, after all.

Peer pressure is also another reason why people drink, especially in the case of minors. Underage drinking is brought about by the desire to fit in. Young adults often have twisted ways of viewing things and situations. Those who do all sorts of crazy things are most often thought to be really cool people, which is why others also get in the booze trend just to avoid being the odd one out.

Curiosity kills the cat, or so the familiar saying goes. It is now proven that curiosity also leads to addiction. All it takes to really like alcohol is to take a small sip. Sometimes it is used as an escape hatch to avoid pressing problems that one is just not yet ready to face. Curiosity and escapism are two fatal factors that will ultimately lead to addictive consumption.

Most alcoholic beverages are made by large distilling companies. They make their products in large batches and store them in vats. These liqueurs are then mass produced by hundreds of boxes that make their way to retailers and grocery stores. But, small scale wine making is on the rise, known as micro distillery. Ordinary people with a profound love for alcohol push themselves to create small batches of what is usually called artisanal beverage.

More and more small scale distillers become accomplished producers of most spirits. They become adept at making the best bottles of gin, vodka, rum, whiskey, tequila and brandy. They go on and become expert liqueur makers, too. A liqueur, by the way, are made by infusing certain woods, fruits, and flowers to the aforementioned spirits to give them an altogether different flavor.

Some even create their own beer flavors. This is rising in popularity as craft beer. Craft beers also have three different types, the ale, lager, and cider. Some small brands can even taste better than those of the popular ones.

The production of artisanal drinks can be a good business. You just have to have a license or permit to start operations. Once you have started, you will also pay certain taxes to be able to continue operations.

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