Bus Wraps & Billboards For Kidney Donation

By Bob Oliver

What are some of the more common uses of billboards that you can probably recognize? Chances are that you would associate these sorts of items with products and services offered by various companies, which is exactly what items like vehicle and bus wraps are able to do. However, it seems like these methods have much more versatility than most of us would give them credit for. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that a billboard was utilized in order to find a kidney donor.

CBS 6 posted an article that talked about how Myrna Bernstein was able to utilize a billboard for the sake of finding a kidney donor. This individual from Albany, New York wanted to reach out to a wide number of people in order to find a donor, which goes to show just how committed she is to the cause. Did you know that Bernstein was able to put a billboard, in addition to ads on five different buses, to use for this purpose? It makes one wonder what the extent of this method could truly be.

Bernstein conducted this endeavor in order to find a donor but it can also be said that this was done to draw attention to a larger issue. It's important to keep in mind that many people suffer from kidney failure and the like, which means that the need for new kidneys is apparent. As one can imagine, a situation like this demands attention. Whether it's done through bus wraps or not, this medical need should be brought to the masses so that they can become aware of this situation.

It's clear that companies such as JMR Graphics have been effective in advertising other businesses, in addition to what they offer, in the past. In my mind, a story like this which is rooted heavily in medicine can very well bring about similar results in the long run. It's clear that out-of-home advertising is a method not to be overlooked, whether the focus is on a certain product or the idea of health. Items like bus wraps are helpful, to say the least, and it's clear that Bernstein was able to recognize this.

I can only hope that Bernstein's efforts are not in vain and that she is able to find a suitable donor. After all, it's tough to find someone who will part with a kidney outside of their family. It's apparent that health is drawing a tremendous level of awareness and it's good to see that it is quite versatile, for the most part. Kidney donors might be appealed to because of Bernstein's efforts, especially when she was able to utilize quite a few platforms as well.

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