Summer Weight, Illustrated By GPM Pediatrics

By Bob Oliver

It's clear that many individuals gain more weight during the summer as opposed to any other time of the year. When it comes to the specific reasons behind this, it's clear that everyone has their own interpretation on the matter. If you want to know why exactly this is done, you can be certain that those who specialize in GPM Pediatrics will be able to focus on this subject, as well as potential solutions. To say that summer weight gain is an important talking point would be an understatement.

An article on the Washington Post focused on a bit of research done by Harvard University specialist Rebecca Franckle. Specifically, it was found that children, between the ages of 5 and 12, are more likely to become more sedentary during the summer. What this means is that not only do they engage more in computer activity and the like but the consumption of foods that might not be as good for them. Along with more irregular sleep patterns, it's no wonder why parents might be concerned for their children's well-being during the summer.

What are some of the most common attributes associated with summer weight gain, you may wonder? As the article mentioned, children who are either obese or overweight already will probably struggle more so with lowering or maintaining weight than other children. Lower-income households must also be mentioned, since the means aren't always prevalent for the purpose of buying healthier products. When it comes to weight gain, it's clear that many factors can play into this.

With this information in mind, you may be curious as to how exactly summer weight gain can be taken care of. As GPM Pediatrics will be able to tell you, children should spend less time indoors, where video games and television are more prevalent. Instead, activities along the lines of bicycling and simple walking should be focused on. Yes, they might be more basic means of exercise but they are effective in their own ways, according to medical authorities like G-P-M.

As you can see, summer weight gain is especially prevalent in children and most of this can come from school activity. Without recess, physical education, or what have you, it's clear that a good chunk of daily physical activity is taken out of one's regimen. This is a problem, to say the least, and I'd like to think that improvements can be made over the course of time. Even though the effort might be slow to begin with, the long term results, according to GPM Pediatrics, are more than worthwhile.

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